The 16-December Tragedy

Saeed Ullah Khan Wazir

Saeed Ullah Khan Wazir

The tragedy of Army Public School Peshawar, will haunt Pakistan. My heart goes out to the victims and their relatives of the December 16 tragedy. On that ominous day, the terrorists martyred 152 students at Army Public School Peshawar. They perpetrated this senseless and coldblooded act as to wreck a vengeance on security forces, and justified their crime by asserting that these institutions produce future leadership who run this un-Islamic system.
The post-traumatic stress disorder has left the nation dry. Words are in short supply to describe the incident. Sometimes poetry can describe what is beyond the remit of prose and journalistic writing. The following verses spell out the whole conundrum of the terror, its genesis and its vicious cycle of atrocities that have been unleashed in the aftermath of the infamous 9/11 incident.
 “چه تا کتاب اوسپارم، قلم ورکم”
“ھر زایے کي ولاړ‎ دی ټوپکمار سړ‎ې”
 (To whom shall I hand over book and to whom shall I give pen? Gun wielding men are chasing me everywhere.)
“ڰرزي نقاب پوش ویشي چاڑۍ تورۍ”
“وژنی مۍ د سر او د دستار سړ‎ې”
(The masked mercenaries deal in knives and swords, killing our men of respect and honour.)
The questions do arise:Is it Islamic to kill children on perceived and imaginary crimes? Can this be equated with Jihad or service to religion? Is it struggle for Sharia or  blatant violation of Sharia itself?
The militant outfits are our common enemies. The should not be affiliated with any ethnicity, religion or region. The use of force, violence, destruction and  human rights abuses never bear fruit in the long term.This will create unity and spirit of determination in Pakistani polity.The govt and military should be on the same page to counter terror and violence. Militants of all shades should be eliminated before they could orchestrate any more atrocities.
This war has caused losses both in blood and treasure. The families of the victims should be compensated adequately. We stand by the armed forces and the govt should made provisions for the families of martyred soldiers and officials.
writer: Saeed Ullah Khan Wazir
The writer can be reached at

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