
“Durand’s Curse”

Blood and fire have often blighted Afghanistan; the three Anglo-Afghan wars being among the bloodiest and the most cruel in its history. But Britain’s partitioning of Afghanistan will rank as the greatest crime of the nineteenth century. That arbitrary line which Mortimer Durand drew in 1893 on a small piece of paper continues to bleed Afghanistan and hound the world. ...

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Pakistan’s terrorist proxies from local death squads to Islamic State warriors

According to security officials in Quetta, Shafiq Mengal is the leader of the Islamic State in Pakistan. He was, quite literally, home-grown by the Pakistani government and has now gone rogue, like so many of Pakistan’s proxy prodigies. Shafiq Mengal is the son of former Pakistan state minister for petroleum and Balochistan’s caretaker chief minister, Naseer Mengal. He comes from an influential and educated family, ...

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Karzai condemns alleged airstrikes by foreign forces in Kunduz and Uruzgan

KABUL: The former Afghan president Hamid Karzai condemned the alleged airstrikes on the civilians in northern Kunduz and southern Uruzgan province of Afghanistan. “I condemn in strongest terms foreign air strikes in Uruzgan and Kunduz that caused deaths to civilians,” he said in a statement. Karzai further added that “The so called War on Terror has caused massive destruction to ...

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Ex-Afghan intelligence chief announces the formation of new political party

KABUL: The former chief of the Afghan intelligence, National Directorate of Security (NDS), Rahmatullah Nabil, announced regarding the formation of a new political party. Speaking during a gathering in Kabul, Nabil said the new political party has been established under the name of Mehwar. Nabil further added that fight against discrimination is among the top perspectives of Mehwar political party. ...

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Spanta slams Ghani for remaining silent regarding violations in Durand Line

KABUL: The former Afghan president’s national security advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta slammed the government leaders and President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani for their silence regarding the violations along the Durnad Line. Speakign during a gathering to announce the formation of a new political movement, Spanta said the government is busy suppressing the civil movements and protesters while unprecedented violations are being ...

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Most Daesh rebels are foreigners, says Nicholson

KABUL: The top NATO and US commander in Afghanistan has said most Daesh or Islamic State (IS) fighters are foreigners who have brought violence and miseries to the people. Gen. John Nicholson said this during a change-of-commander ceremony at the NATO Resolute Support (RS) Mission headquarters in Kabul. He said during the last one year US and Afghan forces had inflicted significant damage on ...

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Afghanistan and SAARC

After the Second World War the importance of regionalism has become increasingly and unavoidably important. World politics entered into a new era of regional integration and economic cooperation. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was proposed from 1970 to 1980 by Ziaur Rahman, the then president of Bangladesh. After that he visited India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. He stated ...

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US defense secretary Mattis asked to present long-term Afghan strategy

WASHINGTON: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2018, as passed by the US House of Representatives on Friday, requires the defense secretary to provide an Afghan strategy beyond five years. “It directs the secretary of defense to provide an Afghanistan strategy that will look beyond the next five years to describe the trajectory of US efforts in Afghanistan and assess the timeline ...

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‘NATO, Russia want stable, democratic Afghanistan’

KABUL: NATO Secretary General Gen. Jens Stoltenberg has said NATO and Russia shared a common interest in Afghanistan which was free, safe and democratic Afghanistan. Talking to reporter after the NATO-Russia Council meeting at Brussels, he said the two sides discussed security situation in Afghanistan. He said a stable Afghanistan was essential for regional security, a share goal of NATO and Russia. “We had ...

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Celebrating the 100th anniversary of relationship, president Ghani offers German car-manufacturing companies to survey lithium deposits in Helmand

KABUL: President Ashraf Ghani on Thursday offered German car-manufacturing companies to survey lithium deposits in southern Helmand province in order to benefit from the soft metal in making cars. The president made the offer during a meeting at the Presidential Palace with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who arrived on a surprise visit to Kabul at the head of a ...

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